UoSA – Sports Field Floodlighting
Callidus Design has been appointed by the University of St Andrews (UoSA) to design a replacement floodlighting installation for their existing sports field. The existing floodlighting installation at the football pitch & running track utilises metal halide lamps. The lighting levels on the football pitch are below the standards required. This is made worse by a number of luminaires being inoperative (e.g due to defective lamps) and some of the luminaires having moved from their original position. The existing metal halide lamps are also responsible for a high level of glare which is not desirable due to the close proximity of the Observatories and local residents. The proposed scheme will replace the existing floodlights with new low energy LED luminaires which are more energy efficient, provide much improved photometrics and hence reduce glare. This will improve the lighting levels on the football pitch and consequently reduce light pollution.